Healthcare Solutions
A Central Valley Surgical Hospital has automated their Accounts Payable process to be completely paperless with minimal data entry. Historically, the Hospital manually processed 1,500 invoices monthly. Mail was opened, sorted for approval, and sent for approval. After supervisors approved and coded, Clerks enter the invoice information, including line items, into their accounting software, MediTech. A tedious and labor-intensive monthly process.
Today, the hospital is using Ancora Software advance capture software and Laserfiche Workflow to automate the entire process. Ancora is utilized at the time of scan to capture the invoice information directly off of the document. That information and the scanned image is automatically pushed into Laserfiche. Laserfiche then uses that information to route the invoices for approval. Following approval, Laserfiche Workflow creates an exportable flat file, with all invoice information, that is pushed into MediTech accounting software mitigating the human data entry requirement. The automation of this process has increased the efficiency of invoice processing significantly.
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